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How-to: Claim & Edit Listing

How-to: Claim & Edit Listing

Claiming your company listing

Simple, 3 step process to claim your listing.

  1. Register or sign in (using your work email address) to your Igneo account by clicking on ‘Sign In’ at the top right hand corner.
  2. Search for your company listing through the Igneo search.
  3. On your company listing, click ‘Claim Listing’.

The Igneo team will review your claim within 48 hours & you will receive email notification once your listing has been Igneo approved.

Editing your company listing

Once your claim has been approved, you will have access to the company dashboard. Here you will find insights about your company listing, as well as analytics & benchmarking in the future.

You are able to edit the following fields on the company listing:

Company Demographics such as location, name, about us and logo can be changed as appropriate.

Certifications cannot be edited, but you can add new certifications if you attach a valid certificate, this will then be reviewed by Igneo. You are encouraged to attach valid certificates for certifications already on the platform.

Memberships cannot be edited.

Financial Information cannot be edited, this is pulled directly from Companies House.

Insurance information can be added with a valid attachment, this will then be reviewed by Igneo.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Your compare list
